FAPI Marketing Framework

Rationalize your marketing organization

FAPI Marketing Framework™

The FAPI Marketing Framework™ is a sequential marketing planning and management framework designed to guide leadership teams through the process of building and organizing high-performing marketing functions in companies of all sizes. 

Enable Marketing Management Performance

Discover the most effective and proven methods for marketing management that can be implemented by both business managers and marketing teams to achieve optimal results for your business.

Learn how to use the  FAPI Marketing Framework™

Unlock a comprehensive array of resources and dedicated support tailored to facilitate your seamless entry into the FAPI Marketing Framework. Leverage our extensive knowledge base, training materials, and expert guidance to confidently embark on your journey towards marketing excellence. Empower yourself with the tools and assistance necessary to maximize the potential of the FAPI marketing framework and achieve outstanding results.

FAPI Planner

Manage your marketing operation using the FAPI Marketing Framework Planner for Free

Official Guide

Access best practice and guidance, buy the official FAPI modern marketing guide

Live Training

Learn how to rationalize your planning and management with bespoke training sessions


Gain a FAPI Marketing Framework Certificate and demonstrate your marketing management knowledge

Why use the FAPI framework

1. Minimize marketing waste

Ensure all marketing projects stay within budget and are completed on schedule.

2. Innovate collaboratevely

Involve all organization stakeholders in marketing planning and execution. 

3. Align with business vision

Deliver marketing output that align seamlessly with commercial business objectives.

4. Provide clear direction

Provide clear and accessible marketing leadership for the entire team at all stages of execution.

5. Continuously improve

Foster a culture of ongoing optimization through a systematic iterative approach.

6. Manage stakeholders

Keep the team and business stakeholders engaged and informed at all times.

7. Forecast accurately

Provide the company with a predictive view of marketing performance.

8. Control resources

Maintain control and oversight over the allocation of resources throughout the marketing lifecycle.

Test Your Marketing Team's Organizational Readiness

Take the FAPI Marketing Framework™ diagnostic test, designed to be a quick and insightful evaluation to identify your marketing organizational strengths and determine how well-suited your organization is to implement the framework

Diagnostic Test

Join the FAPI Framework Community

Join the FAPI Marketing Framework Community and find answers, support, and inspiration from other marketing professionals and FAPI Marketing Framework users around the world

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