Strategic Frame

Long Term,


& Mission Critical

Crystallize the strategic marketing pillars that form part of the business' DNA and are set in place to deliver on the business vision

Marketing strategy

Understanding your Marketing Status Quo

Understanding the status quo requires that you crystallize your company's commercial objectives in relation to each phase. To understand the importance of this step, think of it as the “why?” for every subsequent decision. 

Landscape Analysis

Understand your competitors' marketing performance and strategy outlook

CMX Journey

Develop a customer-centric marketing strategy by understanding your users' experience

Marketing SWOT

Gain a clear view of your digital capability and technical delta before investing in execution

Develop Your Marketing Model

Our digital marketing planning process outlined is designed to provide your business with all the tools to develop a systematic marketing execution framework, aligned with your objectives and resources and leading to predictable outcomes for the business. 


Create a distinct image and identity for your brand in the minds of consumers, differentiating it from competitors based on key attributes, benefits, or values


Gain an in-depth perspective of customer groups or segments based on common needs responding similarly to a marketing action 


Map your campaigns a series of activities deployed by your organizations through different media channels to promote a message, a product, or a brand

Channels to Market

Define the channels to market as the organization of all entities involved in taking your product or service to market to shape the marketing direction

Financial Budget

Outline the available marketing funding budget for a defined period to model tactical marketing execution and control performance

Marketing Model

Establishing a clearly defined marketing model is fundamental to creating successful marketing programs providing  clarity of purpose

Build a Performing Team

Building a team with specialist content, design, and tech skills is crucial for any organization that aims to succeed in today's marketing world. These three skill sets are interdependent and complementary, and a team with these specialists can ensure that the digital platform is optimized for success. 

Content specialists are responsible for creating engaging and relevant content that resonates with the target audience. Design specialists focus on creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces, ensuring a positive user experience. Tech specialists, on the other hand, ensure that the marketing infrastructure is functioning correctly and efficiently.

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